Environmental Policy

We strive to minimise our impact as a business both on the environment and the local community.

Stevens Equipment Rental Limited promotes good environmental practice, adopting actions that will generate sustained improvements both operationally and for its customers.

Stevens Equipment Rental Limited aims to:

  • Continually improve its processes and environmental performance
  • Actively lower the CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) emissions of its fleet through effective equipment management and careful investment decisions
  • Pursue a zero waste to landfill strategy
  • Realise recycling and reuse opportunities where available
  • Meet and exceed environmental legislative requirements

Environmental policy objectives

Stevens Equipment Rental Limited's environmental policy has six primary areas:

1. Management and control

  • Stevens Equipment Rental Limited will provide adequate resources to ensure that all employees at all levels of the business have sufficient training and supervision to successfully implement the environmental policy
  • Stevens Equipment Rental Limited will assess the environmental impacts of its investment decisions particularly in respect of capital expenditure projects and will use appropriate environmental standards to evaluate materials and goods purchased

2. Proactive servicing and maintenance

  • Stevens Equipment Rental Limited will proactively service its equipment in order to maintain the environmental performance of its vehicles, maximise fuel efficiency and lower CO2e emissions
  • Stevens Equipment Rental Limited will use remote monitoring systems to ensure that client sited equipment performs efficiently and in accordance with expected emission thresholds

3. Protecting the environment

Stevens Equipment Rental Limited will ensure that adequate measures are in place to cover both normal and emergency conditions in order to limit the risk of pollution to the environment.

In addition, Stevens Equipment Rental Limited aims to:

  • Ensure that vehicles hired within the UK are not moved until a site location is confirmed It will plan routes to reduce the amount of miles travelled and the resulting CO2 emissions
  • Minimise its own use of energy, water and materials through the implementation of the company's policies and the active engagement of its employees
  • Work and co-operate with outside organisations and interested stakeholders to continuously improve its environmental practices

4. Carbon reduction

Operationally, the company is pursuing a focused carbon reduction strategy. To support this aim Stevens Equipment Rental Limited undertakes to:

  • Use Euro IV category engines with particulate filters as standard to reduce exhaust emissions and fuel consumption
  • Remotely monitor the vehicle fleet to ensure its efficiency, reduce downtime and damage to the environment
  • Analyse vehicle oil to ensure its operating effectiveness

5. Waste minimisation and recycling

The company will reduce its operational waste by recycling and reusing materials wherever possible. Disposal of any residual waste will be managed in a way that is consistent with the ultimate aim to send zero waste to landfill.

To assist with the goal of waste minimisation the company will:

  • Recycle used servicing materials
  • Recycle spent oil through an authorised contractor to enable reconditioning and ensure its appropriate reuse in alternative applications
  • Advocate remoulded tyres which produce less carbon in manufacture than new tyres and channel damaged tyres to be reprocessed into new materials such as rubber flooring

6. Environmental legislation

All procedures and activities undertaken will comply with environmental legislation.

The Directors of the company oversee the implementation and continuous improvement of the environmental policy and aim to go beyond legislative requirements.

Andrew Stevens
Managing Director
Issue: 3

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